Thursday, January 31, 2013

The World of Warcraft Fishing Guide is a Good Catch

Go fish! Using a World of Warcraft fishing guide can help you train one of the games free secondary skills. Many of us have fond memories of huge catches throughout our lives. The World of Warcraft (WoW) gives you the opportunity to revive your love for the sport, without needing to dig up worms at 5:00 in the morning!

World of Fishing

Where can you find fishing trainers? After you have created a new WOW character, you will likely encounter one in the second town that you encounter. After you train for fishing, you can train in virtually all bodies of water, including lakes, oceans, ponds, and rivers. In higher level zones, you can also find fishing areas needing high levels of fishing skills.

The Fishing Levels

The World of Warcraft includes five total fishing levels: Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert, Artisan, and Master. Before you cast your first line, some important information you should know about each of the level includes:

Fishing Level Max., Fishing Skill Allowed Min., Character Level Apprentice 75 5,Journeyman 150 10, Expert 225 20, Artisan 300 40, Master 375 45.

Expert Fishing Level

To receive training for expert fishing, you must buy and utilize the book entitled, Expert Fishing: The Bass and You. According to a World of Warcraft fishing guide, the book's price tag is (1) gold. You can buy this book fro Old Man Hemming. He is in Stranglethorn Vale, which is located in (the town) Booty Bay. Another option is to purchase the text at the Auction House, though the cost is much higher.

Artisan Fishing Level

You must complete two quests, in order to reach the Artisan fishing level. Furthermore, you need a fishing skill of 225 to acquire this quest, and reach level 40. To avoid a certain bug in the game, fish up your skill to 226 prior to exiting Nat Pagle.

Master Fishing Level

You can only train this level by buying and utilizing a special book. You can buy the text for (5) gold from Juno Dufrain, in Zangarmash.

The Right Tools for the Best Fishing

When fishing in World of Warcraft, it is important to have the proper equipment. That includes fishing poles, baubles, and lures. It is important to do your homework (such as reviewing a World of Warcraft fishing guide) to determine how to secure the various types of equipment.

Fishing for Gold

Besides filling your own stomach, you can fish for fishes that other people require. Furthermore, if you learn to cook, then you can also earn gold by cooking. The type of fishes that you catch determine how much you boost your skill of cooking and how much money you earn.

Whether or not you enjoy eating fish in real life, a World of Warcraft fishing guide can help you to catch, cook, and sell fish in World of Warcraft. The game can be fishy, but that is a good thing!

Chris Madusia has been playing World of Warcraft for a number of years and is considered a master. You can get his free newsletter pack with strategies and tips on World of Warcraft fishing guide at his website.

Playing a World of Warcraft Warlock

Playing a World of Warcraft warlock is definitely something that everyone should try at least once. This class has a lot to offer and you will find that whether you are intent on soloing or whether you want to do your part in a raid or an instance, that a Warlock can come in handy. World of Warcraft warlocks are ranged magic users and they specialize in dark or shadow magic. In game lore, warlocks were once normal magic users who gave up that path in order to pursue greater power, often at the cost of their own morality. Because of this, warlock spells and attacks often consist of words like "corruption" or "agony."

There are several advantages to playing a World of Warcraft warlock. First, it is the only class in the game besides the hunter and the hero class of the death knight that allows the use of a pet. A pet is invaluable, especially when you are intent upon soloing, and with a pet, you can take on enemies that are a few levels higher than you. A warlock will soon learn to make use of his or her pet depending on what the situation is. The voidwalker, for instance, is excellent as a tank that will take damage for you as you are soloing, while the felhunter is perfect when you are fighting against spellcasters. Other pets that you will be able to take advantage of include the imp, the succubus, the doomguard and the felguard.

Warlocks are often highly dependent on their pet for support; one of the disadvantages of playing a World of Warcraft warlock is that they are only allowed to wear cloth armor, which is the flimsiest armor in the game. Because of this, when you are playing a warlock, you need to learn to keep your distance from the attacking enemies if at all possible. Though they do not have the same crowd control potential as a rogue or a mage, a warlock can still be good for a raid through the use of their Banish, Enslave Demon ad Seduction spells. When you are soloing, Fear and Howl of Terror can help you get through a group.

Another thing that you should remember when you are playing a World of Warcraft warlock is that you are going to need to keep Soul Shards on hand. Soul Shards are created when you use your Drain Life ability on an enemy of a roughly equal level to you and they die while you are doing it. This creates a Soul Shard, and with it, you'll be able to do essential things like summon up your pets. The Imp is the only pet that you do not need a Soul Shard to summon.

Warlocks lack any innate healing ability, so remember to level up your First Aid profession. Similarly, many warlocks will turn to Alchemy and to Herbalism, the former because it makes you potions that you can take when you get into a pinch, and the latter for the healing ability of Lifeblood.

Take some time and consider whether you want to play a World of Warcraft warlock; there is a lot of potential here for a lot of great fun!

Derek Smithson has written articles on World of Warcraft gold and the many World of Warcraft mods which are available, as well as a number of World of Warcraft guides.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

What is a World of Warcraft Quest?

When you are just getting started with the game, you might be wondering what a World of Warcraft quest is. At the most very basic level, a World of Warcraft quest is a task that is set before you by an non-player character or an NPC that will give you a reward when you have finished it. It sounds simple and it is, but there are several things to keep in mind. When you are playing the game for the first time or when you are starting a new character, you will be given very simple quests that will reflect your skill level and your knowledge.

You can recognize the characters who have quests to give you by the yellow question marks that hang above their heads. When you right click on the character, you will be able to see the details of the quest that they want you to go on. Sometimes it might be something as simple as killing a certain amount of monsters, while in other cases, it might involve entering a dungeon and finding specific items. You will also be able to see what the NPC is offering to you should you finish the World of Warcraft quest. Sometimes, this is merely a sum of gold, while in other instances, you will also end up getting items that you cannot purchase easily from vendors.

You should also be aware that a World of Warcraft quest will give you experience points and reputation. Every quest is worth a certain amount of experience, which is measured on a blue bar across the bottom of your screen. The amount of experience that you have will determine your level, and the more difficult a quest is for you, the more experience points you will get for it. For instance, a character that is level 7 doing a quest in starter area might get 800 experience points for the quest, while a level 50 character doing the same quest may not receive any experience points at all.

On the other hand, any quest that you do, no matter what level you are, will give you reputation with the faction that offers it. For instance, doing quests in the Undead starting areas will give you reputation with the Undead, while doing quests in the Night Elf starting area will give you reputation with the Night Elves. There are a few good reasons to think about your reputation and perhaps the most important one is that when you get your reputation up to Exalted with a specific faction, you'll be able to purchase their specific mounts. If you want the Orcs' riding wolf or the Taurens' riding kodo, start doing quests that give you reputation in their areas, no matter how much experience you get for it.

World of Warcraft quests are important ways to get ahead in the game, so take some time and figure out what quests you want to accept.

Derek Smithson has written articles on World of Warcraft gold and the many World of Warcraft mods which are available, as well as a number of World of Warcraft guides.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Paladin World of Warcraft Guide - 4 Killer Tips to Help Your Paladin Level Faster

Are you looking for a good Paladin World of Warcraft guide? There are several good ones available online that can help you level quickly and get more enjoyment out of the game. World of Warcraft consists of many different races of characters. You can be a night elf, a blood elf, a gnome, a troll, a human, or many other types of characters. One popular choice is the Paladin. Many people choose the Paladins because they are warriors, but they also hold a mystical side, because they are priests as well. This means that they can be used to wage war, and when the war is over, the can use their healing powers to heal their army.

Here are a few tips that will help you in leveling with your Paladin:

1. Pick Up a Good Guide

A good Paladin World of Warcraft guide will help you go from 1-70 much easier than if you tried to do it alone. Since all leveling in standard World of Warcraft leveling guides are similar, you might consider picking up a horde or alliance specific guide. These can be purchased online and at stores and are a general guide to leveling in WoW.

2. Decide on a Strategy

When you start, you have to decide on your strategy and you have to stick to it. Do you want to attack? Do you want to earn points by causing a lot of damage or do you want to be a healer? Whichever direction you choose, you have to build your character in that direction. One problem that people run into when using the Paladin, is that they try to build all of their skills. The Paladin is an extremely diverse character and can be built in many ways. It is important that you start by choosing a specific skill set.

3. Exploit Your Natural Talents

One of the Paladin's natural talents, according to my favorite Paladin World of Warcraft guide, is their resilience. They are the best characters in WoW at simply staying alive. You need to exploit this trait. You need to use the Paladin slow and steady. He will outlast many of his opponents. So don't just rush into things, you need to wear your opponents down.

4. Complete Your Quests

Another tip from my preferred Paladin World of Warcraft guide is to complete all of your quests. The Tome of Divinity and the Epic Mount quest especially. The Paladin picks up some great equipment during quests. These two quests especially can give you the use of some powerful items.

A good Paladin World of Warcraft guide, along with your basic alliance or hoarding guide can make your quest much easier.

Here's a bonus tip that will help you discover how to level up quickly and dominate World of Warcraft. There's a blueprint that many gamers use to MASTER their success with World of Warcraft. And you can find out more on the following website: []. My "Dominate World of Warcraft" 6 part mini course contains tips about how to get gold quicker, level faster and gain more satisfaction while playing the game.

Since leveling quickly is the key to success in WoW, my FREE mini course reveals the secrets to World of Warcraft Leveling, Gold gathering and Professions!. Click on the following link to sign up for my course and discover some excellent Paladin World of Warcraft Guide [] tips and secrets.

Understanding World of Warcraft Maps

Even if you have only recently started playing World of Warcraft, you'll discover that the world itself is quite huge. This is why you need to take a look at the World of Warcraft maps that can help you figure out where you are and where you need to go. There are several World of Warcraft maps that you should know about and know how to use, and the faster you learn about them, the better off you are going to be when it comes to getting where you need to be. Take a moment to review the maps that are commonly available to you as you play the game.

When you open up the game, assuming that you are using the standard user interface and have not made any modifications, you'll see a small circle in the upper right hand corner of the screen. This small circle will essentially show you what your immediate vicinity looks like. You will see a small blue arrow inside the circle that shows where you are on the map as well as what direction you are pointed in. You can do all your navigation from this small small circle. This map will also allow you to track certain things and the tracking will show up as small yellow dots. Arrows will also appear around the rim of the circle pointing towards party members or large towns that you are near to.

When you click on the map, you will also be able to go to a full screen version of the zone that you are in. When you first enter a zone, the map is utterly blank, showing only the outline and the name of the zone itself, but as you start running around the zone, whether you are on foot or on a mount, you'll be able to explore it and to give names to the areas that are on the map. There are achievements that are available for exploring whole zones or even whole kingdoms. Of all the World of Warcraft maps, this might be the one that you end up using the most.

You may also want the benefit of having the full map up on your screen while you are running around, and this is where your mini-map an come into play. The mini-map can be accessed by pressing CTRL-M on most keyboards, and when you do this, a small transparent map will pop up in your lower right hand corner. You can adjust the transparency of the map with a sliding toggle and though it is quite small, you can track your progress through a zone quite easily.

When you want to make the most of your World of Warcraft maps, you might want to consider getting an addon known as Cartographer, which will unlock all the maps for you as well as showing you what dungeons look like, something that the game does not provide for.

Take a moment to see what your options are going to be and what you need to do to get the results that you need from this World of Warcraft resource!

Derek Smithson has written articles on World of Warcraft gold and the many World of Warcraft mods which are available, as well as a number of World of Warcraft guides.

Monday, January 28, 2013

What Do I Need to Know About a World of Warcraft Guild?

As you begin playing World of Warcraft, it might come to your attention that there are people running around in game with a line of text underneath their name. What you are seeing is evidence that these people part of a World of Warcraft guild. A World of Warcraft guild is essentially a group of player characters who are affiliated with one another, who might share bank space and who have often come together for a specific purpose. Is joining a guild something that you might be interested in?

The first thing that you need to remember is that a World of Warcraft guild is not something that is run by Blizzard; it is run by other players and as such will vary based on how fairly they will treat their members and what they do. There are several advantages for being part of a guild. If you participate in raids and instances, you'll be able to take on areas that you would not be able t handle alone, you will be able to get help getting up to the master level of your skills and you'll be able to pick up trade skill ingredients through other guild members. You will also find that the social aspect of World of Warcraft can be extremely beneficial as well.

Finding a guild is relatively easy, but remember that there are lots of different kinds of guilds out there. Some guilds are completely geared towards the end game and taking on the dungeons and instances there. These guilds take their raiding very seriously and often have fairly stiff requirements for their members in terms of gear and experience. You will also find that there are guilds who are completely oriented towards role playing, where people will get into character and interact socially as the characters. Some guilds are a mix of both. Take your time and find the World of Warcraft guild that is going to be the best suited for your needs.

Especially when you are in the big cities, you'll discover that there are people who are interested in having you sign their guild charter. A guild needs a certain amount of people to get started and in some cases, the people who are looking for their charter members will simply boot you from the guild when they have all the signatures that they need, though if they are going to do this, they will typically give you a tip for your trouble.

For many people, guilds are both the most enjoyable and frustrating aspect of the game. There is something incredibly fun about throwing in with a group of people and taking a challenging dungeon. For a lot of the endgame content, remember that it is not something that you can solo. Take some time and see how you might feel about joining a guild and make sure that when you do it, you choose wisely. Guild hopping will get pretty tiresome after a while, so see what your needs are going to be like.

Derek Smithson has written articles on World of Warcraft gold and the many World of Warcraft mods which are available, as well as a number of World of Warcraft guides.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

What is a World of Warcraft Strategy Guide?

World of Warcraft strategy guide and hints are there to help you make the maximum out of your characters, skills, professions and more in World of Warcraft. You'll find World of Warcraft strategy guide on a selection of different topics all over the web.

World of Warcraft (or WoW as it is sometimes referred to ) is the 4th in the Warcraft franchise from Blizzard Entertainment and is very much the most best-selling and main stream of the games. The other 3 Warcraft titles were from above strategy games and World of Warcraft broke into the 3D free free roaming world with this game set 4 years after Warcraft III.

Each player creates a character in the game and builds them up, also known as leveling, and  quests in the game to gather rewards like money, items, experience and reputation.

These bonuses can then be used to buy special items, weapons, clothing etc and can also be used to increase your skill sets and power which is required to get far in the game as the quests and enemies get tougher and worse to destroy.

The means your character builds is by moving up levels (as remarked earlier ) and when you earn a set total of experience points by questing and fighting your character will 'level up' and get more hit points, be able to use other items and several other rewards.

In World of Warcraft you progress from level 1-60 but if you have the first expansion for the game, Burning Crusade, then you can level to a maximum of 70 and if you also have the second expansion for WoW, Wrath of the Lich King, then you can get to the heady heights of level 80!

With so many levels to go through and a huge amount quests and events through the game it can help oneself to own a World of Warcraft strategy guide to help you in the best direction now and then and get you to those higher levels faster.

Ty Penman is an avid online gamer and runs WoW Guide World which contains free World of Warcraft strategy guide and more.

Getting Started - World of Warcraft Professions

When you are just entering World of Warcraft, there are plenty of things for you to learn. The first ten levels are very much a time of trial and error, whether you have never played the game before or whether you are simply playing a new race or class. Then you are going to get to level ten and be confronted by the World of Warcraft professions that you need to choose from. World of Warcraft professions are things that you can do to earn money or to create goods that you need in the game and you'll discover that this is something that you need to take a careful look at.

There are three professions that everyone can and should learn. Fishing will allow you to use your fishing pole and catch fish, which can be eaten to boost your health. First Aid is the profession where you can learn to make bandages that can heal you during battle, and Cooking will allow you to make your own food. These professions are essential and you should take the time to work on them. The higher the level of your profession, the more effective you are going to be.

When people talk about World of Warcraft professions, though, they are frequently talking about the professions that you get to choose, which are often called primary professions. Professions are essentially skill sets that will allow you to gather, create or enhance items in the game. You may choose two professions when you get to level ten, but remember that you can only have two professions at a time; if you choose try a third profession, you will lose one of the first two.

What World of Warcraft professions are available?

Alchemy: Create potions and elixirs from herbs that will enhance the character's performance

Blacksmithing: Create weapons, and mail and plate armor

Enchanting: Enhance goods in game or break them down to their core components

Skinning: Skin the animals that you hunt

Leatherworking: Tan hides and make leather armor

Tailoring: Create cloth armor

Jewelcrafting: Create trinkets and necklaces that are used to enhance the character's performance.

Herbalism: Gather plants to use as reagents

Mining: Mine for ore

Engineering: Create mechanical items that enhance the character's performance

Inscription: Create glyphs that will enhance the character's performance.

The profession that is right for you is going to depend on what you like to do. There are some professions that go very well together. For instance, by taking up Herbalism and Alchemy, you can gather up herbs and then use them to make your potions. However, there are lots of people out there who simply pick up two gathering professions and then sell the things that they gather on the Auction House.

Take some time and make sure that the profession that you choose reflects the way that you play the game and the way that you enjoy making gold in the game as well!

Derek Smithson has written articles on World of Warcraft gold and the many World of Warcraft mods which are available, as well as a number of World of Warcraft guides.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

What Are World of Warcraft Addons?

When you get started playing World of Warcraft, have you noticed that some players seem to know a lot about things in game that you don't seem to have access to? If so, there is a good chance that you are seeing World of Warcraft addons at work. World of Warcraft addons are essentially modifications that can be made to your user interface. They are files that you can download and then put into the game folder, and they can greatly improve your enjoyment of the game. Some addons will give you more information about the quests that you are on, while other addons will tell you more about what is going on in the game.

World of Warcraft addons may also be called mods or modifications, and they are generally made by other fans of the game. You can find them simply by doing a search for them on a good search engine, and there are lots of addons for almost every purpose imaginable. While some addons will stand on their own, others are dependent on other addons to work. In many cases, you can pick up addons that combine several addons into one folder.

To use an addon, all you need to do is to download it, unzip it if necessary, and then to open the folder where you keep your World of Warcraft files. Open up the folder called "Interface" and then open up the file called "Addons" which is where you will paste the addon file. Then, assuming that the file is not corrupt, you will be able to see the addon in action the next time that you open up your game.

There are plenty of World of Warcraft addons out there and you'll discover that they can help you progress much faster through the game. You may choose to look on the forums for the best addons out there that will enhance your experience, or you might want to take a look at a few of these extremely popular ones.

When you want to make gold and make it fast, use Auctioneer to keep you current on the best prices for your items

Omen gives you good information on how much threat you have acquired; essentially it lets you know how attractive you are to the monsters and how likely it is that an enemy will come after you.

Cartographer will tell you how to get around in game. You can see the entire area that you are looking around in and you'll be able to adjust your minimap as well.

Quest Helper
Essentially, this addon will tell you how to finish your quests in the most efficient manner. It will tell you where the items that you need are, and you'll get directed towards the fastest routes to get where you are going.

Though there is no mechanical advantage to this addon, it can be a great way for you to let other people know about some of the personality quirks of your character. If you have this addon, you'll also be able to see what additions other people have made to their characters in terms of role playing and modified appearance.

Derek Smithson has written articles on World of Warcraft gold and the many World of Warcraft mods which are available, as well as a number of World of Warcraft guides.

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Positive Aspects of a Great World of Warcraft Bleeding Hollow Gold Guide - For WoW Expert Player

The proper World of Warcraft Bleeding hollow gold Guide may be exactly the ideal thing you want to take your gaming to a higher level! The World of Warcraft gaming scene has outdone everybody's hopes and become the classic online roleplaying game, as well as the largest gaming concern of the modern scene. It is known to be an awfully hard game to get the hang of, let alone beat, so a bonafide World of Warcraft Bleeding hollow gold Guide could be the very assistance that you require.

The great plan for you is to search out a useful World of Warcraft gold or character guide containing ideas to greatly improve your Warcraft journeys Just like the absolute best WoW online players around you may need a helping hand now and again for you to truly enjoy and achieve success in your game experience. You have everything to gain by getting a recommended Bleeding hollow gold Guide for your Warcraft online gaming experience...

But what will a guide bring gamers that you do not already know? With the depth of the WoW game, it is nigh on impossible to keep track of all the information and tips enhancing your quests to go swimmingly, and particularly for this particular issue. Advice from a World of Warcraft Bleeding hollow gold Guide can assist you run your quest much smoother and manage your resources and quests in a much more efficient way.

To work past the various levels of the quest and devastate the more than ever bold foes that you are going to combat, you'll have to have your wits sharpened. A good World of Warcraft Bleeding hollow gold Guide can be precisely what you want in order so you are able to manage and keep on top of of your character's resources and your capabilities, so allowing you to better to end the quest and emerge victorious.

When you are selecting a WoW guide to buy, ensure you know what every one in turn offers to guarantee the one you choose has accurate information for you as a gamer. Whether it is gold gathering, talents or whatever, you need to make sure a legitimate World of Warcraft Bleeding hollow gold guide has the information you want. The WoW game still seems to reign over the net gaming landscape, and there's a reason for that. With the help of a good WoW Bleeding hollow gold guide, you can better plan your strategies for each quest, keep a record of your gold more clearly, and assist you to improve the gifts and strengths of your World of Warcraft character. When you are going to play, you will need to play the best way. A decent WoW Bleeding hollow gold Guide will assist you do precisely that.

Get your piece of the quest and further your chances of beating the game with a recommended World of Warcraft Bleeding hollow gold Guide to assist your travels finish with winning!

Sammie Tyler is a well known reviewer for different games and gaming consoles. He has written many reviews and has lots of experience on games, one of which being portable DVD players []. You can find more information at

Taking a Look at World of Warcraft - The Wrath of the Lich King

Whether you are brand new to the game or you have been playing for a little while, you will probably remember a lot of the excitement that came around when World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King was released. World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King was a second expansion that came out, where The Burning Crusade was the first, and like The Burning Crusade, this expansion created a great deal more game content. When you decide to play World of Warcraft, you don't have to purchase anything beyond the basic game, but there is plenty that the expansions have to offer. Just like The Burning Crusade unlocked two new player races, World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King opened up some new and fascinating options to the players.

First, this expansion raised the level cap from seventy to eighty, expanding the game and providing more end game content. This change was further complemented with the addition of an entirely new continent to explore. Just like The Burning Crusade added the Outlands, Wrath of the Lich King added Northrend, a continent that lies above the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. True to the name, the continent is known for the ice and snow. Characters may choose to enter Northrend through any number of places and the continent itself can be accessed through Howling Fjord, Valgarde, Borean Tundra and Valiance Keep.

Another important addition that was made to the game by the Wrath of the Lich King was the creation of the game's first hero class, the death knight. Death knights can only be created if you have a character that is level 55 or higher on the server, and they themselves begin the game at level 55. Death knights were former heroes of the war against Arthus Menenthil, the Lich King, and when they fell, Arthus resurrected them so that they would fight for him. The death knights begin the game as soulless minions for the Lich King and must find their way towards redemption. They are powerful tanks and damage dealers.

Another notable addition that was made in this expansion was the new profession of inscription. Inscription is a profession where the character will create scrolls, vellum, glyphs and other paper items that will help the character progress through the game. These items are used to enhance an ability or item, and you will discover that the effects that you can wield through this new profession can drastically enhance the way that your game is played.

Take some time to consider what you need to know to get started with World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King. This expansion creates a lot of material for you to take advantage of, so see what your options are going to be!

Derek Smithson has written articles on World of Warcraft gold and the many World of Warcraft mods which are available, as well as a number of World of Warcraft guides.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

World of Warcraft Visa Rewards Card

People are always coming up with new and creative ways to make a financial profit. Why not target 11 million online gamers with a convenient way to pay for their monthly membership to World Of Warcraft. As of May 8, 2007, Blizzard Entertainment and the First National Bank of Omaha developed a partnership to promote World Of Warcraft Visa Credit Cards.

This new Rewards Visa is attractive to gamers of WOW with 13 World Of Warcraft themes you can choose from. The 13 variations are based on the 10 character races, horde and alliance and World of Warcraft logo. You can also earn 1 point or 1 % of every dollar you spend on authorized purchases which can be redeemed for free game play. So for every $1,500 you spend you will receive 1500 points which is good for one month of game time on Blizzards game site.

Hardcore gamers will find this card very beneficial for showing their loyalty to their favorite MMORPG game, but also face the potential risk of driving themselves into debt. If your good at paying off your debts in full every month and take your time accumulating enough reward points to get free game time, then this card probably will not be any different to you then any other credit card. The World of Warcraft Visa Rewards Credit Card is only available to residents of the United States.

There are mixed opinions on Blizzards agenda for profiting in this way from World Of Warcraft since they also have WOW accessories and products that they promote. Some people think they have sunk to a new low by targeting users into further financial debt. As if it wasn't enough that they must pay $14.99 per month to play their extremely popular and engaging game.

In most retails stores and online shopping sites, you can purchase a World of Warcraft game card which provides a two month subscription to World of Warcraft. It is a great way to manage your spending and extend your game time without the use of a credit card. A game card is not limited to users over 18 and can be a great gift to give to your friends or family members who frequently play the game. Game cards are available to consumers nationally and not restricted to the USA like the World of Warcraft Visa Rewards Credit Card.

Why risk the possibility of exposing yourself to credit card fraud, and credit card debt when you can get a convenient pre-loaded World of Warcraft Game Card.

Have a pleasant and enjoyable online gaming experience with world of warcraft products [] including WOW guides and prepaid game cards.

What You Need to Know About World of Warcraft Gold

They say that you won't get far in life unless you know how to make money and the same goes for World of Warcraft. This unique and amazing engaging massive multi-user online role playing game puts you in a fantasy setting where you can buy goods and services using World of Warcraft gold that your character has earned. You start out in the game with a handful of silver at level one, but by the time that you have gotten to level eighty, the end game, you're going to be able to make several hundred gold on a regular basis.

You might be wondering what World of Warcraft gold is good for. When you get started in the beginning levels, you'll find that most of the things that you need are going to be priced according to what you are capable of paying. You'll also discover that for the most part, there are not a lot of things that you need to purchase. You'll need to pay for training so that you can progress in your class, but the first real expenditure of cash that you are probably going to run into is your mount. Saving up for your first mount, the animal that you can use to get a lot more speed as you run through the game, can be a little confusing, especially when you are doing it for the first time.

So then the question becomes, how do you make World of Warcraft gold? Happily enough, there are lots of different ways. The first way that you are going to get familiar with is through quest rewards. When you have completed a quest, you will usually get some money or a reward like a weapon or a new piece of armor. As you quest, you will also see that the monsters that you kill drop things that you can sell to vendors. You may also make money through your profession; if you are a tailor, you will eventually be able to create dresses and cloth armor, or if you are an alchemist, you can create potions to sell.

Those are the main ways to make gold, but there are plenty of others as well. The Auction House, found in the major cities, will let you put up items that you don't need so that other players can bid on them. In many cases, you can make more money selling to other players than you can to vendors. The add-on Auctioneer can help you figure out good prices to sell things for. Similarly, sometimes you can sell your services to other players. Rogues can usually make a fair amount of cash lockpicking boxes for other people, and in many cases, tailors and blacksmiths can use their professions to put together necessary items for other people as well.

When you want to get started in World of Warcraft, remember that gold makes the world go round. There are lots of ways to get it, so choose the ones that best suit you.

Derek Smithson has written articles on World of Warcraft gold and the many World of Warcraft mods which are available, as well as a number of World of Warcraft guides.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

World of Warcraft Professions - The Last in a Trilogy on Secondary Professions

Up to now we've dealt with (1) cooking and (2) first aid, so here is the World of Warcraft professions guide to fishing.

World of Warcraft Professions - Secondary - Fishing;

Fishing in World of Warcraft can be much the same as fishing in real life, many hours spent staring at a lure or float bobbing up and down in the water. You can fish in nearly any body of water, though fishing in areas that are your skill level will give you a higher likelihood of catching the kind of fish that you can use.

Why waste hours fishing?

Well the easy answer to that question is for the fish basically! Raw fish can be eaten for low level health replenishment or can be used by hunters as food for their pets, cats in particular love to eat fish.

However, combining your fishing skill with your cooking skill can allow you to cook fish into tasty recipes that not only boost health but can give you various "Well Fed" buffs as well. These improve as the skills in your chosen World of Warcraft profession improve, culminating in the "Fish Feast" recipe that allows you to give a feast to your party, which not only replenishes health and mana, but also gives a "Well Fed" buff that gives additional attack power, spell power, and stamina for an hour.

In this secondary World of Warcraft profession you should go for the more sought after fish. Some fish are highly sought after by alchemists for certain potions. Other much rarer fish will earn big money either at the Auction House or by selling them to a vendor.

For example; Deviate Fish tend to be quite popular, because when cooked they give a temporary buff that turns the eater into a Human ninja or a Human pirate for an hour. If you are a non-Human character, some of your emotes will also change to mimic those of the Humans as well.

While the secondary professions do not get nearly the same attention as the primary ones, they can prove very useful for characters to learn. If you haven't learned them as you've leveled, it is well worth it to go back and learn them now, to improve your upper level game play.

We hope this World of Warcraft professions trilogy has been useful to you.

If you missed the other parts you can find them here on EzineArticles, look for the first one as Article ID: 2962224, and the second one as Article ID: 2967890

Or to read all about World of Warcraft Professions or a complete Warcraft fishing guide feel free to visit our WarcraftWild website.

You can sign up for our free six part Warcraft course for hints, tips and secrets to success!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

World of Warcraft Walkthrough Guides - Nice Change of Pace

There is one type of World of Warcraft guide that offers a nice change of pace from the often hectic pace players go through playing the game. These are called World of Warcraft walkthrough guides.

A WoW walkthrough guide is essentially a guide that to teaches certain aspects of the game step-by-step, highlighting what to expect at different points in the game so that you can become familiar with WoW without actually risking anything. These guides are not "cheats" as many people think. They are simply a way for a player to become more familiar with the game overall and better prepare themselves for what might lie ahead.

For example, a World of Warcraft leveling guide is a type of WoW walkthrough that is useful in giving you a clearer path through the overall complexities of leveling up your character in the game.

One place where a these guides can be particularly helpful is if you happen to get stuck in a certain area and have no idea as to how to proceed to get through it. A walkthrough guide can be a huge help and give you clear instructions of what your next steps should be.

These guides are typically written by expert WoW players who have been through many quests, fought many battles, and pretty much experienced the entire World of Warcraft game experience, so you know that the information you are getting in these guides is good. Not everyone will be interested in using a walkthrough simply because they like the unexpected and the challenge of getting through difficult areas on their own. However, for players who do get stuck and don't want to get overly frustrated and lose interest in the game, these guides can be a tremendous help when you need them.

As a general rule, it's probably always better to try to find your own way out of a problem or situation that you're unfamiliar with, but in the early stages of the game it may simply be too time consuming or frustrating to work your way out of every tight spot. This is exactly where World of Warcraft walkthrough guides can be just the ticket to increasing your enjoyment of the game.

New players to World of Warcraft who want to quickly learn the basics should get their hands on one of several guidebooks that take them through the process of World of Warcraft walkthroughs [].

If you talk to experienced WoW players, they will almost always tell you that you can shorten your learning curve considerably and have a nice backup plan by having a World of Warcraft Walkthrough Guidebook handy.

Robert Stamper, has been a World of Warcraft game enthusiast for years. He is considered a WoW expert and has reviewed several World of Warcraft walkthrough guides. You can find his reviews at [].

World of Warcraft - The Best MMORPG Ever Made

World of Warcraft is the largest and most successful Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game ever made with over 11 million players worldwide. At the time of its production there were lots of jokes from competitors at the games expense because it seemed that the game will never be released due to its very long production time. They were also saying that the game was looking like a cartoon and that there was no room for a game of that type in the market. Since the games release they are not laughing any more and instead wondering why did the game become such a huge hit.

Blizzard has made a high quality product once again. They guys at blizzard have created games with huge communities already in the past such as Warcraft, Diablo and Starcraft. The reason for Blizzard's success is because they put a ton of work into each of its products, there is no magic formula.

There are two main factions in world of warcraft and those are Horde and Alliance. Horde consists of Orcs, Trolls, Undead and Taurens and the Alliance gives you the choice between Humans, Dwarfs, Night Elfs and Gnomes. Each race is slightly different and offers various bonuses, and other than the visual appearance of the character regardless of what race you pick it wont have an impact on your character class. Many of the classes are shared, few of them are faction specific. Every class in world of warcraft has its advantages.

Once you create your character and start playing you will immediately notice the cartoonish and colorful graphics. There are many different locations in the game ranging from forests to deserts and any other location in between you can imagine. World of warcraft looks very similar if not exactly like Warcraft III, but there is nothing wrong with that since Warcraft III had already proven to be a success why reinvent the wheel. The other good thing regarding the graphics is that it doesn't have high system requirements.

After playing a bit you'll soon realise that the quest system in world of warcraft is one of the best usages of questing for any game ever released. With each quest you'll discover different locations and advance to higher level areas on the map. Quests are usually divided into categories which will certainly be familiar to you. Apart from the quests you can always research the world or kill any monster that you find in your way.

World of Warcraft also gives you the option to choose a profession. Having a profession can be really helpful in terms of income or by crafting weapons for use in battles. However if you don't feel like crating then you can always purchase items in the cities. The cities in world of warcraft are huge, and there you can find anything you want.

After you chose your class and profession and become familiar with the game than the fun really starts. The combat with either monsters or other players is what makes world of warcraft such an obsessive game. The only problem I found in the game are the overcrowded servers, because of that the game can sometimes become pretty laggy when you're in a huge city. Since the game is constantly updated I'm sure that blizzard will manage to solve any issues they have.

If you decided to start playing World of Warcraft or if you're already an experienced player who is searching for a great leveling guide for his horde character than you should definitely check out Joana's Leveling Guide, if you are tired of grinding and want to level up fast than don't hesitate and visit my website at

Monday, January 21, 2013

World of Warcraft Census - What Add-On Can Give Me WoW Census Information?

World of Warcraft (WoW), is in fact, a world of its own. It has different races and factions, groups and governments, but more important than the groups, each character in the game is controlled by an individual. This makes WoW an actual virtual world. And where any sufficient population rests, there has to be a census. This is no different with the virtual world. The World of Warcraft census has been around for a couple of years and has kept people up to date with facts and figures from WoW.

So let's first talk about how the census is made. If you are a player of WoW, you can contribute to the census by downloading the census addon. This will allow the game to track your information, and add it to the list. For this reason, Blizzard admits that its numbers may not be as high as they should be. Not everyone who plays uses the addon. But there are a good number of people who do.

Also, the World of Warcraft census makes clear of exactly what it's counting. They only count players who are level 10 or higher, and they only count players that have been recently active. That being said, here are some interesting facts from the World of Warcraft census:

Last year, there were reports of the WoW community growing past 12 million users. According to the World of Warcraft census, there are just under 8 million users. But again, you have to take into account that this does not count newbie players, or inactive players.

Out of the 8 million people who play WoW, 55% of them are Alliance players. The other 45% are Horde players.

You can also use the World of Warcraft census to find out information on different races, like dwarfs, night elfs, blood elfs, humans, trolls and gnomes. You can find out numbers on which races join the Alliance or the Horde. You can also find out what class of player everyone is.

If you are a member of WoW, this census can give you some very interesting information to help you better understand this very unique world. You can access this information by downloading the addon which is available at WarCraftRealms. This will help you contribute to the WoW community, and make you a more involved player.

Here's a bonus tip that will help you discover how to level up quickly and dominate World of Warcraft. There's a blueprint that many gamers use to MASTER their success with World of Warcraft. And you can find out more on the following website: []. My "Dominate World of Warcraft" 6 part mini course contains tips about how to get gold quicker, level faster and gain more satisfaction while playing the game.

Since leveling quickly is the key to success in WoW, my FREE mini course reveals the secrets to World of Warcraft Leveling, Gold gathering and Professions!. Click on the following link to sign up for my course and discover some excellent World of Warcraft Census tips and secrets.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

World of Warcraft Gold Secrets - An Introduction

When it comes to computer games, there is one that stands head and shoulders above the rest. That game is World of Warcraft (also known as WoW). The Blizzard Company, the company behind World of Warcraft, released the game back in 2004 and no one could have predicted how popular this fantasy world game would eventually become. Yet several years later, and with over 10 million subscribers paying a monthly fee for the privilege of playing the game and striving to become wealthy by acquiring gold, it simply dwarfs any Xbox 360, PS2, or Wii game in terms of numbers of players and overall popularity.

While the game has many complexities to it, the main goal is to acquire gold, and therefore wealth and power. That is the reason why there are so many World of Warcraft gold secrets guides available to WoW players. Essentially, players live in a fantasy world and set up their own character who then makes his or her way through the World of Warcraft world. There are several different classes, different races, and conflicting factions choose from when creating your character. This ability to tailor your own character is probably one of the reasons for the game's popularity. You can get absorbed in your own world and your special character and create that character to your exact liking.

Everyone's character begins with the long journey of what is called "leveling". Characters begin at level 1. You have to work your way up to level 70 by completing quests, killing mobs, and several other exciting adventures. All along the way, you are acquiring WoW gold through various means and it is this gold which allows you to increase your level. To reach a level of 70 takes many, many hours of game playing time and depending on how much time you actually spend playing the game, it can take days, weeks or even months to reach that level.

Reaching level 70 of course isn't the end of the game. At level 70, players usually spend most of their time working to obtain gear that is suitable for that level. They do this through what is called Player versus Environment (PvE) and Player versus Player (PvP) adventures. As the name implies, Player versus Environment is where your character joins what are called guilds with other characters and band together to gather items that they need. Player versus Player is where players fight against each other, either one-on-one or in groups, and score points and acquire more gear and gold through killing other characters.

No one is really quite sure why so many people spend the time and money in WoW to reach a level 70, or any of the game's other milestones, but they do, and in droves, The numbers don't lie. A company like The Blizzard Company, which is lucky enough to create a game that essentially gets players "hooked" into a fantasy world like the World of Warcraft fantasy world, gets as close as it comes to having a license to print money (or gold, if you prefer).

New World of Warcraft players have nothing to be embarrassed about and can do themselves a big favor by getting their hands on one of several guidebooks that take them through the process of playing World of Warcraft [].

If you talk to experienced WoW players, they will always tell you that you can shorten your learning curve considerably by getting a good World of Warcraft introduction guidebook. There are literally thousands of hours of game playing experience packed into these WoW guides and they can quickly become indispensable to new players.

Robert Stamper, has been a World of Warcraft game enthusiast for years. He is considered a World of Warcraft expert and has reviewed several WoW playing guides. You can find his reviews at []

Theramore Scenario Requires i353 - Sell Vicious Items Today

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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Robes of Insight Now Being Duplicated?

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Friday, January 18, 2013

Level 83-84 Mists Items: Time To Stock Up

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World of Warcraft Remote Auction House Now Free

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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Gold-Making or Lore - Which To Do First in Mists?

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Buying Multiple Vendor Items At Once

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Mists of Pandaria: Initial Gold-Making Impressions

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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Testing Battle Pet Cageability and Quality In MoP Beta

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Jim Younkin's Gold-Making Interview At MMO Sentinel

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Monday, January 14, 2013

The Power Word: Gold Podcast - Episode 040

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Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Power Word: Gold Podcast - Episode 041

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The Power Word: Gold Podcast - Episode 043

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Saturday, January 12, 2013

Theramore's Fall Scenario (Alliance) Gameplay Video

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Friday, January 11, 2013

Power Word: Gold Livestream Roundup: Aug 26 - Sep 2, 2012

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The Power Word: Gold Podcast - Episode 039

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Power Word: Gold Podcast - Episode 044

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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Power Word: Gold Livestream Roundup: Sep 3 - Sep 10, 2012

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Blackfallow Ink Still Tradeable in 5.0.4

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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Power Word: Gold Podcast - Episode 042

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My Mists of Pandaria Stockpile? Not Much.

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Monday, January 7, 2013

Strong Evidence of Rampant Item Duplication in WoW

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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Huge Transmog Shopping List Compiled At The Hatchery

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AOE Looting's Effect On The Cloth Markets

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Saturday, January 5, 2013

Theramore's Fall Scenario (Horde) Gameplay Video

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Friday, January 4, 2013

The 5 Most Enjoyable Ways We Made Gold In Cataclysm

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World Of Warcraft Gold Guide

I know all to well about being broke and not having gold in World Of Warcraft to the point that it get's annoying. This gold guide is then for you penny-less and annoyed. As you know by now in World Of Warcraft you use gold to level up your characters and to purchase all sorts of items. The World Of Warcraft gold market is therefore a very intricate and cut-throat one. Illegal gold trading in World Of Warcraft is estimated at over $1billion per year.

Don't fall prey to this scheme as Blizzard will ban you from World Of Warcraft for good? Forget about the illegal stuff and read on for some great tips on how to make tons of gold the legal route in World Of Warcraft.

There are many diverse ways of making heaps of gold in World Of Warcraft and everyone has their own way or favourite way. Some gold making strategies will make gold quicker for you than others , so try them all and see which works for you best.

These are authentic tips for World Of Warcraft gold and definitely worth a look.

These are WoW profession gold making strategies.

A very fast way of making plenty of gold is to just sell the raw items that you have gathered or gained as mat stacks in AH. Rather focus on gathering items and selling them as is in the AH to players that are looking for those items. To clarify, focus on gathering items not crafting them for gold. Then don't forget to have a browse every now and again to see which items are required by other players as these are what you need to gather.

These are the World Of Warcraft professions that make gold at a quicker pace for me, mining, skinning, herbalism and last but not least, fishing.

Let us begin with fishing.

Fishing may be tedious yes but find a black or golden pearl and you will be most pleased. It might take opening up plenty clams but find these black or golden pearls it will be worth it. For a stack of 10 black pearls you can get 10 gold and 1 gold pearl is worth 30 gold. Good findings are near Feathermoon in Ferelas or near any high water areas. So hang in there as fishing can make you some good gold especially when you skill up and in higher levels. Try to get the best rod and lure that you can afford to skill up your fishing a lot quicker.

Next Skinning

Make sure that skinning items don't stack so well so try and purchase bigger bags as soon as you can afford to. There is heaps gold to be made of skinning as other professions such as blacksmithing, tailoring and leatherworking will require those skinning items that you gather. A clever way to gather items for skinning is just locate the positions in the quests where the people need to kill a heaps of monsters. You can then gather all the skinning items you need from the corpses after the fighting. Nesingwary's expedition north of Stranglethorn Vale will be a nice place to get hold of some panthers, tigers, and raptors to skin. Looking for some devilsaurs and maybe gorillas? Head on over to Un'goro.

Make sure once you have levelled up a bit higher to go to Winterspring for Shardtooths to skin them for rugged and warbear leather. All the leather , loot and skins you gather in Winterspring can score you 40 gold per hour, pretty awesome. When the warbear and rugged leather are stacked you can get some nice gold for them as well in the Auction house.

Next we have mining

Remember that engineers and blacksmiths need mining items so mining is very lucrative. Need iron and mithril? Head on over to Arathi Highlands. When you are there look for the Drywhisker cave near Hammerfall to mine lesser bloodstone that sells well in Auction house. Another cave but this time in the Wetlands north of Dun Algaz has Incedicite ore which also sells well.

A couple of the top places for Mithril and Truesilver are Tanaris, Blasted Lands , Searing Gorge & the Charred Vale. Thorium in stacks can get you up to 10g. Be sure to lookout for Arcane Crystals while mining for Thorium as these babies can sell for 12-15g a piece in the AH. These veins can be found in Winterspring, Burning Steppes, Eastern Plaguelands or Un'Goro. You can gain 50gold per hour by doing this.

Last but not least we have herbalism

You do not have to be an Alchemist for this herbalism tip. Your target market may be smaller as you will only be focusing on selling to the Alchemists. Head on over to the eastern & western Plaguelands and gather Plagueblooms for some easy gold to start with. You can gather Plagueblooms in Felwood as well. Also in Felwood are herbs such as Gromsblood and Dreamfoil that can sell for round 12g per stack. Another item to gather are Ghost mushrooms in the Hinterlands. They can get you 20-25g when sold.

These tips should get you on the right path.

My World Of Warcraft Strategy Guides website contains all you need to know about leveling up your professions from 1-450, leveling you characters from 1-80 and much, much more... I have also reviewed the best of the best guides available to help you in WoW. Go and check them out.

This is the link to my WoW Gold Guide Pg 1 [] and the link to my World Of Warcraft Gold Guide [].

Thursday, January 3, 2013

World of Warcraft Christmas Gifts 2009

If you have a World of Warcraft fan on your Christmas shopping list, you are probably aware of how much people who participate in this online world love it. Many people who participate in WoW become so enamored of the game that they play for several hours every day. World of Warcraft Christmas gifts will make any WoW player very happy on Christmas morning.

You may be thinking, "I don't know anything about World of Warcraft, how can I make a good gift choice?". It's easy! Listed here is the World of Warcraft merchandise that stays at the top of the best seller lists. These gift ideas are not in any particular order as the best selling products seem to move up and down the list. Surely, you will find the perfect World of Warcraft Christmas gifts here.

Wrath of the Lich King Expansion Pack. This software is hot right now! It remains at or near the top of the lists. It does require that you already have Battle Chest and Burning Crusade. This introduces new locations and characters into the game.

World of Warcraft Battle Chest. For anyone who wants to get involved with WoW. Here is what you need to get started. Be careful, you are going to love this place!

Mana Energy Potion. An energy drink so that you can keep on gaming. The drink is in a really cool World of Warcraft container.

WoW eBooks. Do you ever wonder where the best players find out their tips and tricks? From great e-books!

These are some great ideas to keep in mind when shopping for World of Warcraft Christmas gifts. Any WoW gift you purchase is sure to make someone very happy on Christmas morning!

For more information about World of Warcraft Christmas Gifts including e-books, software and purchasing info, visit World of Warcraft Christmas Gifts.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Nine Million Players Can't Be Wrong, Playing World of Warcraft Online is Fun

As of the beginning of 2008, World of Warcraft has over nine million online players who subscribe to the game. With those numbers it is no surprise that World of Warcraft is on a straight path of becoming the defining game of this decade. It all began in 2004 after Blizzard decided that after Warcraft III and the expansion pack "The Frozen Throne" an online version should be the next step. Since then millions of people have had fun playing the game online getting to know the story, roaming the lands and meeting the people in World of Warcraft.

Be who you want to be

Until now gamers never had so much choice in how they would like to play their game. Maybe that is the main reason World of Warcraft is so popular, it doesn't matter what kind of player you are, slow, serious, casual or fast, everyone can play the game in their own pace. The first MMO (Massive Multiplayer Online) games had a big problem, gamers in those days were reluctant to pay a monthly fee for playing a game online. Before a gamer bought a game and paid for it once and he or she could play the game over and over again without ever having to pay again. On the other hand an MMO game needs dedicated hardware, internet bandwidth and of course a (tech) staff to maintain it all just to keep the hundreds to thousands (or even millions) of players playing. World of Warcraft helped the MMO game development community a lot by open people up to the idea of having a subscription model for online game playing. There should be good support en updates or else the gamers will again turn their back on this model of game playing.

While in the original release of World of Warcraft Online a player could choose between the Alliance or Horde factions, with the expansion "The Burning Crusade" an additional two factions were added. There are nine player classes complemented by races like gnome and high elf, players have total control on how they want to customize their character, they can choose how they are dressed, the weapons they want to use, how their faces look and the skills they have.

In the end, World of Warcraft gives the player unbelievable ways of customizing and accessing the game types. And it doesn't matter what type of online player you are, you will have a great time playing World of Warcraft online, just like the other nine million online gamers around the world. Chances even are that you'll be making friends while playing the game. Make sure that your computer is capable of running the game, go for the recommended hardware and not the minimum for the best game experience. Make sure that you have permission from who ever pays the bill at your home. Once you start playing World of Warcraft you will be entertained for hours after hours.

After all those nine million fans can't be wrong.

Jenny Cumbersome plays online games as if here live depends on it. So if you want to find out about world of warcraft online hacks or maybe about a signature image for your world of warcraft character just visit her site.

World of Warcraft - best created for World of Warcraft characters

When you look at world of Warcraft, will discover that a combination of rich landscapes and fascinating characters that make this one of the most popular online games massive is multiplayer out there.

The Horde

The orcs of world of Warcraft are separated into several different tribes, but hail Draenor.! They are considered to be the leaders of the Horde in force as ideals, and they are led by Warchief thrall. Recently, they have fought rumors that his career was seriously involved with demonic magic and has a tendency towards a way more shamanic life.

The Tauren race is in Mulgore, and they are among the largest characters that you will find in the game. They are known to be the peacemaker of the Horde, but are still a race of warriors and fighters who should not be encouraged.

The Renegades, also known as the living dead, were created when he took the human Kingdom of Lordaeron. Separated from the rule of the Lich King, and all the Horde, they are known to be scholars and wheels great spell.

The race of troll that is playable in the game are from the tribe of the Darkspear trolls. He received help from the orcs at a time and serve faithfully in the Horde. They are just one of the many tribes of troll found in the game.

The blood elves, led by Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider Malygos, are considered elven noble, but have a strong addiction to magic. Once they were members of the Alliance, and like all races, that support a great enmity against the scourge.

The Alliance

City capital of Ironforge dwarves is a focal point of the Alliance, and they have a strong relationship with the human beings of world of Warcraft. They are hardcore fighters and they have always led the fight against the enemies of the Alliance.

Human beings in the world of Warcraft have unfortunately caused many problems for the world, but now they start taking measures to fix this are responsible for the Alliance's sitar_banjo, and the Kingdom of Azeroth is the last mainland sovereignty which has ties with the world as it exists.

Curious, playful and terribly smart, Gnomes have combined technology and magic in an extremely effective weapon. It radiates their homeland away from the Trogg invasion, and at the moment, they are something of a race without a home, living among the dwarves.

Related to the brutal blood elves and magic addicts, the night elves have a long history involved, which resulted in their retreat in much of the world for thousands of years. After the events of the third, he joined the Alliance and have been kicking the tree of Teldrassil as his hometown.

From one world to another, the Burning Legion has chased the draenei. The draenei lived on Draenor and came to be familiar with the night elves, which submit them to Alliance.

When it comes to know the characters of world of Warcraft , these ten sovereignties are just the beginning. There are characters such as Harpies, trolls troggs and forests are not playable and you will find that as you a deeper look into this world that there is definitely more than it means the eye.

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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

How To Speed Level In World Of Warcraft Faster Then A Gnome Looking For A Toilet

WoW speed leveling is the desire of every hardcore world of warcraft gamer. I bet every time you created a character I'm sure you were driven inside yourself to break your personal speed leveling record. Well as a hardcore gamer believe me I'm no different. Every time I start a new speed leveling run I'm determined in my mind to beat my best leveling time to date. The funny thing about setting this kind of goal in world of warcraft is that it is easier said then done. This is especially true if you play on a PvP server where ganking and getting ganked is the name of the game and so no two power runs are ever the same.

At the heart of WoW speed leveling is the fashion in which you play the game. Some like to use aids like world of warcraft leveling guides and others use the popular online WoW database. The question is are these methods reliable and can they still be considered as effective WoW speed leveling guides? The answer may surprise you.

Let's consider how a typical gamer plays world of warcraft. In fact I'm sure you agree that this following description seems to apply to most if not 95% of the gamers out there. You are questing through a particular zone. Your goal could be several different things. Perhaps you are trying to complete a series of chain quests in record time, or perhaps you're looking that certain NPC or just plain grinding it out like a mad man. Either way it doesn't matter. Somewhere down the line you find yourself stuck. You forget where this or that is found and now you need a solution. What to do? Well. you probably did the following, you find some tree or rock to hide behind so you don't get ganked and Alt+Tab over to your trusty WoW speed leveling guide of head on over to the popular online wow database. You quickly grab the information you need and then you Alt+Tab back into the game and continue powering on like a banshee with diarrhea. Sound familiar? I bet it does because the tactic of Alt+tabbing has become so widespread it's become a bad habit.

The problem is this is not how to speed level in World of Warcraft. Why? Because, it is not efficient. If you were to keep a running total of exactly how much time you wasted Alt tabbing in and out of the game, and add this up over the course of several levels the amount of in game time you wasted would surprise you. In fact you would probably find that this was enough wasted time to amount to a couple levels.

The trick to WoW speed leveling is efficiency. You need to maximize your game time and minimize your down time. We have all heard that right. You've probably even seen that said on about dozen different world of warcraft forums, right? However this formula does hold water. The problem is we trick ourselves into thinking that just because the tactic of Alt+tabbing only take but a few moments we are still making effective use of our gaming time when in fact we are not. The sheer tactic of Alt+tabbing wastes time. To be a true wow speed leveling master you need to drop this ugly habit like an gnomish engineer on a hot summers day.

World of warcraft leveling guides like Joanas Horde guide or Brian Kopps Alliance guide are now obsolete. Not only do they assume you're going to play as a certain race and character class, which by istelf is in-efficient but that's a topic for another day. They encourage bad playing style. Alt+tabbing may have been effective back in the day but that doesn't mean it still is. So how do you drop this bad habit? The solution is simple have access to all the information, every quest, every shortcut conceived of within Azeroth and have it at your fingertips right within the game. Thanks to changes and developments from mod develops it is possible to exactly this without having to rely on the time wasting Alt+tab effect.

iDemise developed the first and only in-game Wow speed leveling system. It sits right inside your game just like a map mod and is 100% legal. Being able to eliminate the time costly At+tab yet having all the information at your fingertips is a huge advantage. I tested this out as an experimentation on my last wow speed leveling run and found that I hit level 70 almost a full 2 days in-game time sooner.

So don't get stuck in playing the old ineffective way. If you drop the Alt+tab habit I'm sure you'll find your speed leveling times improving. George Randall is a hardcore world of warcraft player. By learning to stop Alt+tabbing and using an in-game world of warcraft leveling guide he cut days off of speed leveling runs. For information and a detailed review of the only in-game world of warcraft leveling guide that sits inside the game just like a map mod check out