So, I've been away for a while. I just received a new computer as an early birthday present and it's time to reinstall World of Warcraft. If you haven't had the pleasure of reinstalling WOW, standby for an adventure.
First install the Basic program from the installation disk. Once this task is completed, the WOW loader walk and start updating your installation. In my case that included download close to 20 GB of updates.
So, now is the time to watch the paint dry.
My first mistake was not updating the power settings on my computer. The settings on my system to the system go to sleep after 20 minutes, so the first night that I did not download anything defaulting. Anyone who remembers download Internet Explorer 4.0 on a 56 k modem.
I get the next morning and start the download and wait, and wait and wait some more.
I got a chance to get some work around the House and watch the WOW loader count down the download. Then, I went and ran some errands, came back and watched the loader some more while playing solitaire. I even got a chance to watch a full schedule of football games, and watch the loader creep along.
Nearly 30 hours later, I was finally finished updating my WOW installation. Now it was time to reload of my Add-ons, then I could finally start play again. I almost went through withdrawal, but I created. I think I will just go beat someone in Wintergrasp.
Til next time!
Wepwawet on Brewfest
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