Pirates? World of Wacraft Fishing?
Have you seen the huge amount of pirates running around in the World of Warcaft? For the longest time I wanted to become a pirate, the problem was, no one wanted to tell me how to turn into one.
I have finally uncovered the secret...fishing.
Well not actually fishing but an aspect of fishing: the Savory Deviate Delight. When your character consumes a Savory Deviate Delight you will experience various curses or buffs, one of which is a Pirate. The effects are completely random so you may have to consume a few before you get the desired effect.
Here are some of the effects of the Savory Deviate Delight:
Turn into a pirate for 60 mins
Turn into a ninja for 60 mins
Turn into a blob for 10 secs
Rapid cast for 2 mins
Fake Death for 5 mins
Cowardice for 10 minutes - 5 second bursts of fear
50 Rage points for Warriors only
World of Warcraft Fishing is generally overlooked and this is why many people do not know this secret.
To get a hold on the delights you will need to head over to the Auction house to pick some up. Be warned though, these delights quite often sell between 50 and 75 silver a piece. It may take a few tries to get the desired effect.
To save on this expense try picking up the Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight and make your own. All you need is a cooking skill of 85 and any kind of Deviate fish. The recipe itself can sometimes cost around 60 gold so you may want to farm a few mobs until it drops. The best place to farm the recipe is in the Barrens.
Use World of Warcraft Fishing, Cooking around the Recipe to make gold
To make some extra gold in Warcraft why not pick up the Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight, despite it's cost and begin making the Savory Deviate Delights sell them in the Auction house in stacks of 20. On average these go for around 10 gold per stack and sell really well. This is a great way for low level characters to start saving up for their mount.
So there it is, not only can World of Warcraft Fishing and Cooking make you a pirate, but it can earn you some extra gold as well!
Free Warcraft Guides
Top Warcraft Guides is a Free Resource that will has a tons of tips, tricks and strategies that will help you to maximize the amount of Gold you can make in the World of Warcraft. Visit Top Warcraft Guides at http://www.topwarcraftguides.com
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