With the upcoming release of World of Warcraft Cataclysm, a wide array of new elements for the game will arise. From the new dungeons to the new level cap there is something that every new and old World of Warcraft players are excited about. Something that is frequently talked about in Trade Chat on all the realms is the fact that there are many new races and class combinations that will become available. Two new races are being introduced, the Worgen and the Goblin. You can also make a new combination with the older races and classes.
When Blizzard announced the release of World of Warcraft: Cataclysm at Blizzcon 2009, they explained why they chose to create the new mixes of race and classes. The new combinations would help to encourage both new and veteran players to experience a race or a class in a whole new way which makes the older world content, new and interesting.
There are several big surprises, along with some controversy as to what races can experience new classes. All of the races, with the exception of the Draenei, will be able to have some type of new class ability and overall many players are very excited.
For the Alliance the new race/class combos are:
• Dwarf Mage
• Night Elf Mage
• Human Hunter
• Gnome Priest
• Dwarf Shaman
For the Horde the new race/class combos are:
• Undead Hunter
• Tauren Priest
• Orc Mage
• Blood Elf Warrior
• Tauren Paladin
• Troll Druid
These new class/race combos will be a great addition to the game. Many players will also turn to new World of Warcraft add-ons and leveling guides in order to make the game even more enjoyable and level their World of Warcraft characters, faster.
There are also many different gold guides that can help increase the amount of WoW gold you have. So if you have yet to play World of Warcraft, now is the best time to start so you can get a feel for the game before everything changes.
If you are not sure about jumping feet first into a new World of Warcraft account, you can always download the World of Warcraft free trial so you can try it before you buy it.
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