Tuesday, December 18, 2012

World of Warcraft leveling every player Warcraft hardcore secrets need to know

Arien the Wizard looms above the desert sands of Tanaris upon his Epic Mount as he watches Laruk the Tauren Warchief Warrior grind his face off on the Ogres below. After several minutes Arien can no longer continue to watch the mind numbing action so he rides into the fray and with one swift blast from his staff the Ogres lay wasted at the Tauren's feet. "What are you doing young warrior?" the wizard asks. "I'm grinding away a few levels" barks the Tauren. Then all of a sudden upon the Tauren player's computer screen comes the whisper, "Dude there's a better way, follow me and I'll show you." Laruk agrees and another World of Warcraft leveling apprentice was born.

Why would I bother to start off this article with a story like this? Well I think it typifies the standard play inside World of Warcraft. It also shows a few of the most common mistakes when it comes to World of Warcraft leveling.

Grinding is Not an Efficient Leveling Technique

It has been shown time and time again by dedicated World of Warcraft gamers that grinding is not the most efficient way to level in this game. Not only is it incredibly boring, but you actually achieve very little for the effort you are putting into your game.

You would be far better off to have an efficient questing plan as your experience per hour gained will far outweigh your grind fest. Plus it'll be far more entertaining then spending countless hours grinding in one location.

WoW Leveling Guides are not what the used to be.

The problem with most world of warcraft guides is that most of them are now outdated and can no longer help you efficiently level your character, here's why. Typical game play with your standard WoW leveling guide goes like this,

You're gaming through a particular zone trying to finish off a series of chain quests in the quickest time possible. Somewhere along the way you get stuck and forget where that NPC is located or whatever. So what did you do? You most likely ran behind some tree to avoid getting ganked, Alt+tabbed out of the game to your trusty wow leveling guide or you jumped over to thotbot, quickly grabbed the information you needed and then alt+tabbed back into the game. Only took a few seconds right? Yes, but this isn't efficient. If you were to keep a running total of the amount of game time you wasted by Alt+Tabbing over the course of say several levels then the amount of time you wasted would amaze you.

Stay Focused in Your World of Warcraft Leveling Efforts

Losing focus is something that happens to every gamer. It can happen so easily that the next thing you know you've wasted an entire evening trying to get revenge on some PvP ganking party, and while sure it was a blast, it didn't return one iota of an experience point either.

The good news is nowadays world of warcraft leveling methods have improved and many gamers now enjoy the benefits to leveling up their characters in record time. There is no reason why you should still be gaming like our Tauren Warchief in our story. Learn effective world of warcraft leveling methods today by visiting Secret Warcraft Tips [http://www.secretwarcraft-tips.com/idemise.html].

Join the thousands who have taken their world of warcraft leveling to new heights and learn how to level past your guild mates and leave them in the dust. Visit Secret Warcraft Tips [http://www.secretwarcraft-tips.com/idemise.html] today.

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