Friday, December 7, 2012

World of Warcraft Secrets - Allakhazam and WoW

Outside of the game, one of the many websites that you can use for game information on World of Warcraft is WoW Allakhazam. While this website may be a little bit more difficult to remember and to type in than some of the others, it is absolutely jam packed full of useful information that serious World of Warcraft players will definitely enjoy.

The first page of the site covers basic World of Warcraft news. This includes;

All of the information about recent patches.
Any new updates.
Current in-game events.
And other World of Warcraft gossip.

If you are looking for something specific, then the tabs at the top of the page can give you instant access to various snippets of important information. For example;

World of Warcraft secrets - Items.

Allows you to look for item upgrades.
Browse armor.
Browse weapons.
As well as look at gems and enchants that can work wonders to enhance your character.

World of Warcraft secrets - Quests.

Allows you to browse quests based on;


Then there are outdoor World of Warcraft secrets.

This allows you to look at;

All the quests for that area.
As well as the experience and quest rewards given for completion.

Clicking on an individual quest will give you more detailed information about it.

There is also a search database feature that players can take advantage of. All you do is put in the name of the quest or the item that you want to find out more about and search.

When you select an item, it will tell you;

The top three items that it drops from.
Who is likely to sell it.
Quests it is collected for.
And lastly recipes it is used in.

For players who are interested in discussing items, quests, or World of Warcraft secrets in more detail, the Forum option is the way to go. There you can select a particular aspect of World of Warcraft that you would like to discuss, and either join in on a thread or start a new thread of your own.

Jillian Perkins
I have been a very keen participant in the wonderful World of Warcraft for a number of years now, and like to consider myself somewhat of an expert, especially when it comes to finding all of the shortcuts. Visit World Of Warcraft Secrets for all the latest strategy information or for any specific up to date hints and tips on enchanting! Feel free to browse my website and take all the information you want from it. Don't pass up the chance of signing up to my free 6 part mini Series, you cannot find any of this information anywhere else on the internet!

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